Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nurse Graduation Invitation

Recently, I had the opportunity to try a unique invitation, a nurse's graduation invitation! It was requested that I incorporate pink and blue into the mix and make it simple but elegant. I decided to try something different on Photoshop...something simple and elegant but also more geometric to give it an academic feel...

My favorite part of this project was the upper right hand corner because I felt aside from the uniformity of the design, the circle in the corner adds some playful uniqueness to it.

The envelopes are A7 in Candy Pink, back side 80lb. navy card stock with a pink border added with Photoshop printed on 65lb. Wausau paper, and topped with a diamond jewel sticker to make it pop.

For help with creating your own dotted/dashed lines on Photoshop I found this video sums it up pretty simply...

More to come!